My boyfriend James is a big fan of Reddit, a site known for their AMA “Ask Me Anything” interviews.
I thought that a Q&A would be a fun way to post about the letter Q in my seemingly never-ending alphabet blogging challenge.
So… on Facebook I asked my friends and family to send me their quandaries. Scroll down to see my responses.
How many hours difference are you from San Diego?
Well, it depends on the time of year actually. Right now, we in New Zealand are nineteen hours ahead of San Diego (or I like to think of it as five hours behind but a day ahead haha).
That will change when each of us (NZ & California) goes through Daylight Savings. It will change to 20 hours ahead and then 21 hours ahead.
How does working there compare to here?
Let’s see…
Here in New Zealand there is a 90-day trial for every employee. Before you hit 90 days at your place of employment you can basically be let go without reason.
Our salaries are a bit higher (but our dollar is weaker and cost of living fairly expensive) so it ends up being somewhat similar.
What are the benefits like?
In New Zealand we get many more days of paid annual leave (the minimum for everyone is four weeks but some businesses offer even more).
We also have PAID parental (yes, BOTH parents) leave (which will move from 16 weeks to 18 weeks next year), as opposed to the US – which federally speaking has zero paid leave and only 12 weeks unpaid leave… California does now offer six weeks at 55% of your salary.
And if you’re wondering why I know so much about parental leave? I wrote an article on it a few weeks ago.
When’s the wedding and am I invited?
Ha! Not anytime SOON – we are not even engaged!
What are your work colleagues like, and are their accents the coolest ever?
Yes, Heath. Your accent is awesome. haha And you, along with all of my co-workers, are pretty darn great! I feel very fortunate to work with such a dynamic group of people. There’s a fantastic energy in our office.
View on the kiwi foodie scene?
The amount of health food restaurants and stores is incredibly impressive for its size!
One of the things that stands out most about the food here is how fresh it is. It just tastes more real and fresh off the vine if that makes sense.
And what would you recommend to those travelling to NZ?
In terms of food? If you’re in Auckland I really love Mexico, ironically. I didn’t even like Mexican food when I lived minutes from the Mexican border. But Mexico is a really fantastic restaurant with a few different locations around AKL.
In terms of just regular travel? In summer I absolutely LOVED spending a few days on the island of Waiheke just off the coast of Auckland.
I would also definitely recommend the Coromandel Peninsula and Cathedral Cove as well as the Glow Worm caves down in Waitomo and hiking Duder Regional Park in Maraetai.
But honestly… this country is the most beautiful and diverse place I’ve ever been to. Everywhere you turn it is absolutely stunning. There truly are endless opportunities for adventure here.
Are you an All Blacks fan?
Sure am! I even have an All Blacks jersey! But I’m still figuring out how rugby works…
Do you say mate yet?
I don’t say mate and I don’t think I ever will. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, it just doesn’t come naturally like some other kiwi words do.
Other than missing family & friends, what’s been the most difficult thing to adjust to and how do you deal with it?
Driving and the weather.
I have managed to conquer driving on the left – with the steering wheel on the right. Well, for the most part.
The weather? Still a daily struggle for me. It’s not the arctic or anything but WOW. It really FEELS like it.
I’ve had to go out and buy new clothes – including merino wool tops, wool socks, more tights/leggings, more thick sweaters, more boots, etc.
I also have had to purchase an electric blanket which has made a massive difference in the evenings!
I now use a room heater in the bathroom for when I get out of the shower and I wear a robe, and slippers or house socks pretty much constantly when I’m home.
What is the main differences in food compared to the U.S.? In terms of what people eat, the taste, fruits, etc.
Food in New Zealand is generally a bit healthier — less processed, smaller portions and so on. Supermarkets don’t look that different really but people appear to eat somewaht less fast food and more homecooked meals, and you can tell the differences in sizes at the movies for example.
There’s a lot of pumpkin/kumara served here which makes me a very happy camper! And definitely a British influence in the food – the commonality of things like savoury pies, fish and chips, etc.
How different are the road rules other than driving on the other side of the road?
I’m still getting a hang of that.
The first thing that comes to mind… ROUNDABOUTS! And I actually LOVE them. They scared me for the first couple months but now I can’t imagine life without them. They’re so much more functional than sitting at red lights for forever.
In more rural New Zealand there are one-way bridges where one side yields until there are no more cars coming, which I’ve never seen in the US.
The speed limits in the US are a bit higher and I think I still drive at US speeds – oops! But I haven’t been caught yet. Only by James.
How did your perception of kiwis change after you moved here (if it changed at all)?
Hmm… I think I just learn every day how friendly kiwis are. I personally find them very welcoming and warm, more so than the average Los Angeles resident.
They have a wee bit (see what I did there?) of that formality that Americans associate with the UK. Sort of a sophistication. Well. Some kiwis. 
What do you wish the US had that NZ does and what do you wish NZ had that the US does?
I wish NZ had Target! And quark. And less-expensive shopping. And warmer weather. And currency as strong as the USD. And my family. I really miss them.
Hmm… I wish the US had the lifestyle that NZ has. And the amazing level of healthcare that NZ has. And the far lower crime rates. Children walk home from school here without the fear that they’ll be kidnapped. Police in NZ don’t carry guns or even tazers. It’s very safe and you can feel that.
What’s the main differences in lifestyle from the U.S. To NZ?
New Zealanders have a healthier work-life balance. Americans live to work, where in NZ it’s more about working to live. The focus here is on enjoying life – BBQs with friends on the weekend, an emphasis on O.E. (Overseas Experience) for young adults, etc.
People here just seem more ALIVE, instead of simply going through the motions. I never noticed that the US is like that until I spent more time here and realized how much people
If you have any other questions for me ask them in a comment below and I will add them to the post!